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Bella Baby Page 2

  “I am fine, just tired. What’s up with you and the suit?” Bella inquired.

  “Nothing just someone to talk to and dance with.”

  “Go on back in and get your man before the waitress is all over him.” Bella smiled at her joke. Chaz tried not to laugh but was unsuccessful. Kennedy turned around and noticed him standing there listening to their conversation and raised an eyebrow to Bella, who just shrugged.

  “I will call you tomorrow girl.” Bella shooed Kennedy back in the club. The valet showed up with Bella’s car. Chaz asked her to follow him somewhere. After a little hesitation, she agreed and waited as he paid the valet for bringing his Hummer. Chaz drove slowly out the parking lot careful to keep Bella in his rearview mirror. The anticipation, of being able to touch her, was more than he could handle, and he had to let down the window. As the cool air rushed in, he checked himself out in the mirror. His haircut was fresh and the designer eyeglasses he was sporting emphasized his strong jaw, his flawless mocha skin color, and hazel eyes. At six foot, two, he was a commanding structure and women, were powerless against his smooth game. Wherever he went women were constantly throwing themselves at him, and he had been good at keeping himself out of relationships. The last situation he had encouraged ended in sexual disaster and the woman chased him, but he kept his distance. Now Bella had walked into his world, and he was chasing her, the tables had turned seriously.

  “Where the hell is he taking me? I hope he don’t try and cut me up in little pieces,” she thought. Bella followed the H2 into an overnight parking structure near the airport. She could hear the planes overhead and contemplated her inability to be heard if she had to scream. “Just keep your cell phone near, and you will be fine,” she assured.

  After quickly reapplying her lip-gloss while Chaz talked hurriedly on his cell phone, Bella stepped out of her blue Chevy Malibu. She walked confidently to the passenger side of the Humvee and opened the door. Chaz ended his conversation on the cell phone and turned his attention to Bella. Chaz lifted a hand to help Bella get into the cab of the large truck. Bella sat nervously in the seat as Chaz pushed the stray curls from her face and kissed her lips softly.

  “I’m glad that you came. I want to get to know you,” he said truthfully.

  “I want to get to know you too Chaz. I’m just a bit nervous,” she admitted. “I have never done anything like this.”

  “I promise I won’t bite. You are so beautiful you know that?”

  “Thank you.” Bella dropped her head bashfully. “Do you do this often? I mean meet women in parking structures at weird hours of the day?”

  “Nope, I just wanted a place where we could be alone that wasn’t too suggestive like a hotel or my house,” he said. “I want you to be comfortable with me first and then we can talk about places like that.”

  “Oh really? You are pretty confident. You know that?”

  “You have to be to get ahead baby. So tell me about yourself Bella.”

  Bella started slow by talking about her job and the company where she worked. She skipped around her parental information, never volunteering that on a first date, and talked about college and her friends. Chaz patiently listened as she spoke and noted the way she bit her lip when she was on a particularly sensitive subject. The more Bella spoke, the more comfortable she felt in his presence. She talked of her favorite music and foods. He interjected little and liked hearing her talk of all her life’s adventures. She even reached out and took his hand in her hand trying to convey her feelings through touch. He couldn’t restrain himself anymore and pulled her to the driver’s side kissing her deeply.

  She could barely feel her legs as his kisses proved to be anesthetic. He kissed her lips and moved in closer to explore her mouth with his tongue while his fingertips outlined her nipples threw the fabric of her dress. Bella moaned and felt her panties immediately dampen. She pulled away from his lips and flicked her tongue down his neck causing him to groan. He expertly slipped a hand into her wrap dress and played with her through the thin material of her bra.

  “You feel that Bella baby?” he murmured. Chaz wanted her so fucking bad. Her lips and mouth tasted amazing.

  “Yeah, Chaz, I do,” she replied honestly.

  “I told you baby we were meant to be. I could feel this just looking at you.”

  “I never wanted someone so bad. Can we get in the back?” Bella begged indicating the backseat with her head.

  “Yeah!” That was all he could muster, all blood leading to his brain had gone south.

  Bella climbed in the back while Chaz removed his jacket and followed. With much more room to maneuver in the back Bella, straddled Chaz. He continued fingering her nipples and kissed her neck while she fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. Bella slipped her hand inside his shirt and noted the muscular definition that made up his carved chest. Before she could find his nipples, he threw her off course causing her to moan loudly by slipping his finger into her black thong panties. Chaz loved the intense facial expressions that formed on her face as he touched her, easily bringing her to climax. Bella clenched his shoulders as she braced for the impact as her body shuddered. He held her tightly and kissed her face until she recovered.

  “Baby,” he whispered looking down at his harden crotch. Bella obliged and undid the buttons on his jeans releasing him from the cramped confines of his boxer shorts, stroking him gently. Chaz moaned appreciatively as his head rested against the backseat his eyes closed and mouth slightly ajar. Her hands felt amazing. He could only imagine what the rest of her felt like. Bella was dually impressed with size and shape and fought hard to contain herself, waiting patiently for him to put on a condom.

  “Baby put on a condom,” she pleaded. Bella wanted desperately to feel Chaz.

  “No, we are not about to do this here. I want you to come with me so we can do this properly,” he answered. Bella was still stroking him, and his words were labored.

  “Why? We are already here this is fine, don’t make me beg.”

  “Bella baby, I’m not going to make you beg,” he said trying to fight the urge to resist. “I want this more than you could ever know, but I want this to be done right.”

  Bella stopped touching him as she turned to look outside the car. “I’m scared. No one knows where I am. I don’t want to go home in a body bag.”

  Chaz turned her face to look at him and kissed her lovingly on the lips. “I promise I won’t hurt you. I haven’t done anything up to this point that you haven’t wanted. Just go home with me.” Chaz was so fucking hard right now. He wanted to do everything with Bella, and he meant everything. She tried to give it some serious thought, but the decision had been made the moment Bella entered his Hummer.

  “This is not me talking, but let’s go,” she said biting her lip.

  He almost came when she bit her lip. The trait was so endearing to him. Quickly he put himself away and hopped in the driver’s seat. He could barely contain himself as he pulled out of the parking structure, one hand on the steering wheel the other holding her soft hand.

  For the duration of the ride to his home, he reassured her that he was not going to hurt her. They kissed, and Chaz stroked her long brown hair, causing an audience at every red light.

  “Where the hell do you live?” She asked noting the long ride to his house.

  “We are almost there. I have never brought a lady to my house so that you know,” he said proudly. Bella tried to ignore his cocky smile and laughed. “Yeah right! I bet you say that to all the girls.”

  “ Not, I have an apartment in the city, but that’s not appropriate for you.”

  “A bachelor’s pad in the city and a family crib in the burbs.” Bella raised a quizzical eyebrow not sure who or what she was getting herself into.

  “Something like that, all though I might not need the bachelor’s pad anymore.” Chaz gave a confident smile as he approached his home. This woman was having an effect on him, and he couldn’t wait to be inside her wet body.

  “Excellent reply,” she said. “Why have you let me do all the talking? Do you not volunteer information on a first date or whatever this is?"

  “In due time my dear, in due time,” he said pulling into a circular driveway that led to a secured attached garage.

  Once inside the Bella noted another car that was completely covered in a tarp in the neat garage. After he had let two huge dogs out of the house through a back door, he escorted Bella into his immaculate home. The house was decorated in tasteful ivory and brown with simple yet stunning African artwork adorning the walls. The kitchen was fully stocked and modern adjoining the living room. The living room had a beautiful ivory couch, and matching chaise lounge accented with glass tables. He walked to the fully stocked bar and poured himself a whiskey.

  “You want something to drink?” he asked.

  “No thank you,” she said admiring the overall condition of his home. She began wondering what he really did to earn a living. She assumed he was a drug dealer, but now she was not so sure. Chaz mentioned that he owned several businesses, but she assumed they were drug related.

  “What’s wrong?” He interrupted her thoughts.

  “I was just wondering. What do you do for a living?” Bella hoped to engage him so that she would feel less skanky for wanting to sleep with this man right now.

  “I told you I owned a few businesses. A club, a restaurant, and a clothing store.” Chaz could see she didn’t believe him and gave her a sexy grin.

  “Yeah okay!” Bella drawn in by the sexy grin walked towards the bar where he stood. He kissed her lips and took her hand leading her to the bedroom. The bedroom boasted a California king-sized bed nestled on a raised platform. There was a fireplace, huge flat screen embedded in the wall, a walk-in closet, and an adjacent master bathroom. He placed his drink on a small nightstand and grabbed a remote control from the drawer. Chaz pointed the remote to a hidden stereo system and entered his selections.

  “Who did you say was your favorite artist? Michael Franks?” Chaz did his best to keep a straight face as the sounds of Michael Franks’ Passionfruit CD filled the room.

  “Oh, you are good.” Bella walked to Chaz the look of lust permeating her eyes. Chaz leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the mouth as she moved closer towards him. He reached for the tie holding her dress together and began to undo the silk material, carefully slipping it off her shoulders. She allowed him to undress her down to her underwear and admire her frame. He made her feel insecure as he walked around her body shaking his head lightly and smiling. As if sensing her pain he noted, “Baby you look damn good, you know that don’t you?”

  “Thank you,” she smiled placing her hands on her hips. “Now your turn.”

  “What’s this patch about? You used to smoke?” He asked pointing to the little pink patch secured to her lower back. Bella whispered, “Birth control.”

  She removed his clothes slowly causing undue anguish as he contemplated their next step. They lay on his down comforter enjoying a healthy round of foreplay before diving into the main course. Bella loved running her hands over Chaz’s smooth skin, teasing him with each tender touch. Chaz licked and teased her nipples enjoying the sight of the puckered flesh. He ran his hands down to her stomach encircling her navel before moving further north. He slipped a finger into that wet spot. Bella groaned as the wetness level increased. It was definitely, time. Chaz put on a condom and entered Bella slowly finding it hard to control his eagerness. Watching as he slid into Bella was so fucking hot. She groaned softly arching her back and spread her legs wider as he began to pull in and out of her.

  “Oh God!” she moaned unable to contain her emotions. Bella enjoyed the act taking place whispering in his ear and moaning her pleasure. Chaz returned the favor with words of his own. “Oh baby, I knew this was right.”

  “Yes it is right, just right baby,” she replied. Chaz and Bella were in heaven as they made love. He could feel the familiar stirrings of the end and wished he could hold out longer. Her body was grasping and squeezing him so sweetly. Bella rocked her hips wildly as her own pleasure took over her body causing her to tremble ferociously. Chaz could hold back no longer and grabbed her hips as he braced for the explosion taking place.

  “I’m coming too. Damn Bella,” he groaned noisily into Bella’s ear. Bella held him tightly in her arms as his body shivered. Michael Frank’s voice played softly in the background. Chaz laid his head on Bella’s chest as he embraced her body, and they slept until the afternoon entangled in one another.

  Chapter 2

  “Good morning or should I say afternoon,” Bella said holding her hand over her mouth.

  “Good afternoon to you too,” Chaz said repeating the same hand action.


  “Yeah, in the bathroom. Race ya there.” Chaz and Bella got out of bed and walked hurriedly to the master bathroom. Chaz handed Bella a new toothbrush, and they started to brush their teeth, both smiling. Chaz poured them each a cup of mouthwash.

  “All better?” Chaz asked throwing away her paper cup.

  “Yeah much! Now come here,” she said reaching for his naked body.

  Bella kissed him lightly on the lips before hugging him tightly to her body. He responded by putting soft kisses on her shoulders and commenting on the events of last night. “That was amazing last night.”

  “Yeah, it was the best.” Bella held him close while standing on her tiptoes to reach his lips. She released him from her hold and padded off to the kitchen to get some juice. She noticed the fully stocked fridge and offered to fix breakfast. He declined breakfast insisting that she get into the shower. She was happy to accommodate and joined him behind the huge glass doors of the shower. He kissed her in the shower and pinned her to the wall gently lifting her legs around his back. He wanted to enter her so bad, but he knew condoms didn’t do well in the shower. The shower was short-lived as he carried her wet body to the bed, and they made love on the down comforter again.

  Bella was on top this time and Chaz loved the visual of her breasts bouncing as she moved. Bella tried to keep her eyes open, but he felt so good. Placing her hands on his strong chest Bella maneuvered up and down in rapid succession.

  “Bella, yes baby. You are so fucking sexy,” Chaz whimpered.

  “Chaz you feel so fucking good baby,” Bella cried. Chaz loved this view but wanted to see her in another position. He sat up kissing her and then lifted her up. Chaz instructed her to get on her knees. The sight of her body from this position almost ended their session. He slid inside loving the sound of her cries, pure pleasure. Chaz was sure to give her time to accommodate his size before picking up speed.

  “Chaz baby right there,” Bella instructed as he hit the right spot. The look of pure gratification in Bella’s eyes as she looked back at him, pushed Chaz over the edge. He clutched her hips pushing deep into her and came loudly. Chaz felt his body nearly buckle under the power of his orgasm. They collapsed in a heap on the bed.

  Bella and Chaz lay on the bed discussing everything from politics to music. Chaz liked that she was a debater and had good supporting evidence for her positions on certain subjects, whether he agreed with her or not. Bella without a doubt appreciated his interest in her opinions on the wide variety of topics they discussed. Chaz only left the bed to make them a sandwich, returning quickly to enjoy her company. Talking came so easy to the two of them as they lolled in bed for hours getting to know each other.

  “Let’s go shopping. You have no clothes to wear,” he said drawing little circles around her beige nipples. If they did not get out of bed he, would never let her leave.

  “We can go to my apartment, and I can get something to wear,” she said.

  “I don’t want you to go home just yet. We can go to my store and get you something to wear from there,” he said getting out of bed and pulled a pair of boxers from his bureau drawer. He walked confidently to the bathroom and tended to some quick hygiene.

  “You don’t have to do
that,” she protested. Bella was afraid that his clothing stores carried only thug wear or worse stripper clothes.

  “You can trust me you know that already. I won’t have you looking like a thug or a skank,” he smiled, exiting the bathroom. Bella thought he was so tall and sexy. All Bella could do was laugh, because he had once again read her mind. Chaz realized that he had correctly read her mind, grabbed and plied her with kisses. They dressed and drove to a strip mall that held his clearly thriving business, as the place was packed on a late Saturday afternoon. Urban Gear was stylishly decorated, and the suburban kids were fighting to get their hands on authentic hip-hop gear with eager credit cards. Common’s I Used To Love Her blared out of strategically placed speakers as the kids shopped.

  “Hey Chaz!” yelled the stout cashier.

  “Hey Maurice. This is my friend Bella, and she needs some gear.”

  Can you help her?” He asked.

  “Sure!” Maurice noted Bella probably had that outfit on last night, and he knew what that meant. He was shocked to see Chaz with a woman here since he never brought women to this store. After bringing several outfits for Bella, she finally decided on a sexy black tube dress, a denim skirt, and a pair of hip hugger jeans. Chaz topped off the outfits with a few sexy shirts and brought a pair of riding boots, but not before grabbing several pairs of lacy panties. Bella went to the changing room to try on the black tube dress that Chaz wanted her to wear, and he followed.

  “A girl gets no privacy because this is your store?”

  “No, you get all the attention,” he said kissing her.

  “You’re helping me get dressed?” His kisses were so sweet, and she loved them. Chaz gave a loud laugh before announcing softly, “Yeah! Let’s start with the panties.”

  “Good, because going commando is a bit of a risk, with the breeze and all.”

  “You are not wearing anything under that dress?” The look of lust covered his face.

  “Nope! Is that a problem?”

  “Yeah, sorta. It is not enough room to do it in here. Besides others, would hear us.” Bella threw her head back laughing as she pushed him away. “You are retarded. We are not about to do it in a dressing room with only a curtain to protect us.”